LXConsole is an application for creating, editing and re-playing lighting cues. LXConsole is able to send and receive DMX using an ENTTEC DMX USB Pro interface and ArtNet or E1.31 ethernet connections. LXConsole also sends and receives MIDI, MSC and OSC. LXConsole supports other standards such as its ability to import and export files in USITT ASCII format. LXConsole's main window has a traditional command line for adjusting the levels of channels. But, in addition to basic editing functions, LXConsole has other ways of manipulating cue data. For example, it has the ability to translate channel numbers as it reads in ASCII levels. LXConsole is also scriptable, which makes it possible to create any number of custom scripts to operate on a set of cues.
LXConsole is designed to annotate cues for stage management and archival purposes. The cue sheet window displays an overview of the cues--with columns for when and what happens. LXConsole has a track sheet that allows you to view and edit level information in spreadsheet fashion. Also, the split screen main window includes a table with information about the function of each channel. This helps "decipher" the content of the cue. LXConsole can even use information from the table to "analyze" a cue and automatically create a written description. LXConsole supports automated and LED fixtures and can playback effects. An LXConsole file can include timed sequences that, when triggered, playback a series of actions. Actions can include starting regular cues as well as starting/stopping effects and sending MIDI or OSC messages. LXConsole includes an embedded web server. This enables viewing of windows over a network connection from a browser. This also allows cue editing and playback from the displayed pages. LXConsole version 6.5.0 (18319.1) is available as latest build of LXConsole. Latest builds have the newest features but may not be as stable as release versions. Do not upgrade to a latest build in the middle of a working production. Thoroughly test the new software before using it in a live performance. |