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iPad Version

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:36 pm
by admin
There have been a number of requests for an iPad version of LXSeries applications. Both LXFree and LXBeams are too complex for all their functions to be duplicated in a tablet interface version.

Does anyone have opinions about how they would use an iPad version of LXFree/LXBeams and what it should be able to do?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:55 am
by lanternz
Data adjustment of original plot created elsewhere - focus notation, color changes, repatches, channel number changes. All those adjustments that are done on stage during the focus and focus notes sessions. So it needs two way synchronization.
Instrument identification - a portable version of the drawing since I almost never use a printed version of a drawing these days.
I don't think I would want to create a drawing from scratch on an iPad but I might want to sketch in ideas.
I think I could do without the lxtools selection of apps and I might only want access to the instrument library of the venue for which the plot had been created.I am probably in a minority but I could do without the lxconsole functions in the iPad version.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:42 am
by Mudgee
Yeah I agree I wouldn't nessisarily want to make a plan from scratch. I often past my venu plans into the lx free worksheet. So to be able to access a venue plan then ajust the details on the fly while focus/plot is happening would be great.
It would also be good to be able to change over fixtures when needed. I.e. "we don't have any source 4's, have an acclaim instead"
I completely agree about a venue specific library possibly set through the computer beforehand, so as not to overload with stock that isn't onsite with you and the ipad.

I think the lx console app would be cool but I don't think it's a must.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:46 pm
by fimion
I would be happy with something that could read the lx file and show the plot and generate various reports.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:20 am
by mysecretstache
The two things I'd like to see are:

A way to view channel hookups etc on an ipad, but with a basic artnet stack to be able to highlight units for a focus call, or notes session.

A remote cuelist/channel view of what is active on the console like an RVI

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:43 pm
by Stretchomarx
Three things I would like to see....

The ability to generate a drawn position from text input, so that it can be saved then cut and pasted into an existing drawing

The ability to email PDFs and reports direct from program...

The ability to save files and reports to cloud based servers like Dropbox or google docs....


Quick question...

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:07 pm
by Stretchomarx
Been awhile since I saw any update for the iPad version development or release... So I wanted to ask if you are still working as a 5.X version or are you now going for 6.0? I only ask as I have an iPad 1 and would need to start saving for a new one... Yes I am wanting your program that bad that it is the only app I would be willing to upgrade my iPad for...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:56 am
by admin
LXBeams is starting beta testing. Release will likely be after Mountain Lion is released. The only possible feature of iOS 6 that would prevent LXBeams for iOS from being 6.0 only is if Apple were to add RTF support. Its very likely to be 5.1+. RTF does not seem likely. This may not be a big deal because LXBeams for iOS has no support for editing text fields anyway and that is not an anticipated addition. Testing has indicated that mobile access to data is more useful that attempting to draw a plot on an iPad which is a lost cause until the touch screen has a stylus with the precision of a mouse.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:06 pm
by Stretchomarx
Just wanted to touch base and see whats going on with the iPad version...

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:43 am
by Johan Söderberg
One thing I would like to see.

The ability to click a fixture in a plot and then on a fader light it in LXConsole.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:12 am
by admin
LXBeams is getting very close to being ready for submission to the AppStore. There seems that there may, however, be a disconnect between expectations of how LXBeams on iPad might be used and how useful (and actually used) it will actually be.

Despite all the recent news about iPad cutting into Mac sales, the fact remains that other than entertainment, e-mail and mobile web access, the tablet does not compete well with a regular computer. Have you tried creating a spreadsheet using the iOS version of Numbers? The iOS version works OK with an existing spreadsheet where you just have to change some input values. And, it is quite an advantage to have that spreadsheet on a mobile device. But, it does not replace the OS X version of Numbers when it comes to creating a complicated spreadsheet in the first place.

A similar thing is true of LXBeams on iPad. It's absolutely great when you can walk along a freshly hung electric and enter the dimmer numbers directly into the plot. Portability is a big advantage when you have all your paperwork at your fingetips. However, the ARM processor in the iPad is optimized for battery life, not speed. Loading a plot takes a lot longer on the iPad. And, although it is possible, it it much more cumbersome to draw a plot on the iPad.

One of the interesting things that LXBeams can do is to control LXConsole through an OSC connection. This is true of both the desktop and iPad versions of LXBeams. Information about how this works for the iPad can be found at ... beams.html OSC works the same way on the desktop version of LXBeams. The OSC connection on OS X is enabled using the File->Share->OSC menu command. The ability to do this with intensity has been available for a while. It is just in the latest builds that the ability to control the spot/flood and pan/tilt of moving lights was added.

Before the LXBeams app is submitted to the AppStore it is necessary to come up with a price. You can take a look at the functions of the app ... index.html and post your opinion.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:34 am
by lanternz
Looks like it will do exactly what I need - a mobile, editable version of the document created on my laptop. Got to be worth at least the same as Numbers. I would be happy to go to $15 especially given the fantastic development service in the app we have all experienced over the years.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:10 pm
by lanternz
Can I amend my suggested pricing - having just seen what ETC charge for the remote for their desks I think you need to be around that mark.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:11 pm
by Johan Söderberg
I realized looking at your helppage for the iPad that I have still the very first beta version. Havent figured out how to update LXBeams to the iPad

For that very first beta Id gladly pay the suggested amount equivalent to what Numbers costs thats 75 SEK (about 12 US dollars)

But if the osc connection does what I hope it does. You should definitely compare the app with ETCs iRFR-BTS which costs 379 SEK (59 USD).

Remembering that LXConsole is in some sense the poor mans choice of a lightingconsole I think a good price would be 50 to 75 % of that.

Since not all users of LXfree or beams also use LXConsole (they have other consoles in their theatres) maybe there should be two versions and two prices.

With or without osc.
In that case I think the version with OSC could cost more - just below what ETC wants for their iRFR-BTS.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:57 pm
by Stretchomarx
Johan makes a great point... might I suggest a Lite version without the OSC for $9.99 and a pro version with of $39.99.

Also if it is possible might I suggest a marketing ploy... offer limited time access to LX Series pro either 3 or 6 months to anyone who registers a full price version of the ipad software... I would also suggest that they not lose the proposed software at the end of the trial but just lose the ability to upgrade... This is what I call the drug dealers model of sales.. First ones free then when you are hooked you