Report Customization

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Report Customization

Post by Stilts15ak »

Would it be possible to have a blank report to build upon instead of having to adjust from a predefined one already.

Is it also possible to have more customization to the reports as well. In example:Better header and footer customization, similar to how Microsoft Office. Right now you are only limited to certain types of information like Show, Venue, or Designer. But if I wanted to include contact info for myself or other information would be great; ability to add vertical lines and/or grids to separate information; Ability to have column headers at the top of all columns instead of within each division within a printed report (this is possible on some report types, but not all it seems).

Thank you.
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Post by admin »

Header and Footer customizations are possibilities for future version.

LXBeams allows creation of new reports and editing options such as when and how column headings appear.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:30 am

Post by Stilts15ak »

Thank you.
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