Problems with Creating Fixture patches

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Problems with Creating Fixture patches

Post by skyrisetech »

I have tried for hours to transfer my ADJ Mega Flat Pars from LX Beams to LXconsole. I believe I set the addresses correctly but the intensity channel will not patch? Is there a solution for this? I know that intensity is always set to "0" but will not patch.

0 , 23 RED
1 , 24 Green
2 , 25 Blue
3 , 51 Color Macros
4 , 52 Strobe
5 , 53 Macros
6 , 0 Intensity
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Post by admin »

Can you detail the exact steps you are using? From what you've posted, is that what is set in the Device Addresses tab of the Entry Info sheet? That information looks correct and very similar to the Chauvet LED Par 64 that is included in the default key.

So, what are the next steps you have tried? How are you exporting to LXConsole? Are you using File->Share->Channel Data or the Setup LXConsole AppleScript?

Both of these methods use a similar format for the channel setup data that is transferred to LXConsole. The channel to address patch is set from lights that are drawn on the plot. To patch an LED Par in LXConsole, there needs to be one drawn on the plot and it should have the channel and dimmer fields filled in. The channel export takes the assigned address (dimmer) and expands that using the Device Addresses table. The dmx+ column is used to determine the order. A device from your post would have the red channel controlled by the base DMX address and the intensity would be controlled by that address + 6.

All of this looks correct from what you have posted. If there was a plot with a symbol setup as you have indicated. And, there was a single symbol drawn with channel 5 and dimmer 10 assigned. And, you exported the channel data to LXConsole. You should see the setup if you right click on channel 5. (hold down the control key and click or two finger tap on a track pad). You should also see the expanded dimmers patched in the channels table at the bottom of the LXConsole main window.

If all this is correct and your DMX output is working and the intensity is not being controlled, the first thing to check is that your LED par is in the correct DMX mode. The Mega Par has 3 modes, one with 5 addresses, one with 6 addresses and one with 7 addresses. It appears you want to use the mode with 6 addresses.
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