Basic question on positions

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Basic question on positions

Post by jpinchot »

I am a new LXfree user. I am trying to set up LXfree for our theater. I see how to create positions. When I create a line, all I get is a line. How do I specify the circuits for that position. For example, our catwalk above he house has eighteen circuits or "positions" evenly spaced. How do I create this in LXfree?
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Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

A Position is graphically just a line (although you can convert other graphics into a position). However, a position is more than just its graphic representation. It will interact with light symbols that intersect it. Those symbols will acquire the position's name and height and can automatically have a unit number assigned.

If you'd like to indicate circuit locations on your plot, you can use the text tool. If you want to be fancy, you could put the text indicating the circuit number inside a box or circle. It would be quite common to put circuit locations on their own layer. That way you can show and hide the layer as needed.
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