I'm trying to install LXBeams on my old Macbook Pro 15" 2.16G Intel Core Duo Running OSX 10.6.8. None of the files i've downloaded and installed seem to work on my machine. Installation succeed, but when i run the program, a message appears saying that is not possible to open it because LXBeams is not compatible with my kind of mac. I have tried every single link on the alternative downloads, even the earlier ones. I'm i doing something wrong?
I have an active Pro license, and no problems on my other computers.
Can you help?
Snow Leopard
The problem is probably not the operating system version but that computer's processor is 32bit. LXBeams 2.7 was the last version available for 32 bit processors. The download link is under More Alternate OS/Processor Downloads (10.5/PPC/32Bit) These versions are universal PowerPC or Intel 32 bit compatible.