hi i have my plot and i want it to show my info (gel color, dimmer, channel, etc) for each fixture in the drawing and im not sure how to do that. could you please help me?
Display of symbols' data is controlled in the Inspector's Info tab. Any field can be displayed by checking the box at the right side of the info table. To show all of the channels, Select All and then check the box for the channel data. All info changes are applied to the selection. So, if with every light selected, you also change the color to "R80" then all you lights will have that color assigned. This is powerful but you have to be careful with it as well. (You can Undo a global info change).
Info fields have a common style. So, if you select a single info field and change its font, then all displayed text corresponding to that field will change. If, for example, you change the field style for a selected text field displaying a dimmer to "Hexagon" then all displayed dimmer fields will change to being enclosed in hexagons.