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Text fields (circles and hexagons) and opacity?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:13 pm
by bobmumm

Serious congratulations on all the versions of LX...I have now tried them all (I'll be buying the mac version soon, I'm thinking)

I've been a Maclux user for years; one of the features I like is the ability to make a text field opaque, which helps a lot when circuit/dimmer #'s are planted on top of scenic elements on layers underneath. Yum, layers...thanks for that. :-)

I can't find a way to adjust opacity with far I've found most things either by fiddling, or searching the forum here, but this one escapes me.

I hope that doesn't mean there isn't a way to do it...

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:07 pm
by admin
The transparency is controlled in the Inspector's drawing properties tab. There are sliders for both the stroke and fill. The transparency slider is located to the right of the corresponding color well.

In LXBeams, there is an overall beam transparency setting located in the Inspector's beams tab.