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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:27 pm
by lanternz
A friend of mine just upgraded to LxBeams but he does not have the 3D tools. He is on an iBook running 10.6.8 and got LxBeams build 6609. Is this a problem with the age and processor of his Mac or did he download the wrong version of the app?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:27 pm
by admin
3D objects are available in both LXFree and LXBeams. There are two ways to create them, either draw a 2D object and use the Format->Convert->To 3D command. Or, set the tools to 3D mode and draw them directly. This is accomplished using Format->Tool->Draw 3D objects. In either case, it is necessary to enter starting and ending values height (or z dimension) values in the measurement tab of the inspector. For objects to render correctly, the Start Z value should always be greater than the End Z value.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:25 am
by admin
Just a note, the latest build 2.1.10 (6615) adds a contextual menu to the tools palette. If you secondary-click a button in the tools, it will popup a menu that has the tool options that are found in the Format->Tool submenu.

The method you use for the secondary-click, control-click/right-click/two finger-tap depends on your mouse or trackpad and how it is configured.