I seem to have lost the duplicate function in Lx Free?( latest update v.3.1.0)
I use the "command"D shortcut a lot, but it's not working anymore
"command"C and "command"V are still working well...
Any Idea's?
Does it work now or did it stop working and not return?
When it stopped working was the menu item Edit=>Make=>Duplicate greyed out? Or, did the operation simply not complete?
If it worked again after restarting the application, it is possible that there was some error that prevented the duplicate operation from completing at that particular time. You would probably see an exception message in the console (Applications/Utilities/Console.app) that would provide a clue as to what happened.
It stopped working already a while ago, it never returned
Edit=>Make=>Duplicate is greyed out when nothing is selected. Once you select an object it becomes black... ( all the other functions R&R and Mirror L/R and T/B work fine, by the way)
I can't find any reference to the problem in Console
You can then also adjust the transparency of this graphic in the stroke and fill tab. The key block is also a grouped object and you can un-group and adjust text or positions. I always make sure I regroup after this so I don't accidentally lose something. If you need a standard drawing format why not just keep a template file with the right header and borders and start your drawings from this