import PDF

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import PDF

Post by pvanpraet »

I had on several drawings, probems with importing a PDF.
I found that very often the imported pdf in LXfree loses all detail and looks very pixellated. Is there a way to maintain the high resolution, so i would be able to read all text in the drawing?

Also how does the TRACK view in LXconsole works? Can I select multiple channels?
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Post by admin »


The PDF format can hold many types of data-both vector and bitmap and/or a combination. PDF is the native format of Mac OS-X and LXFree imports PDF as it exists without altering it in any way. The operating system handles the entire process.

My guess is that the PDF you have is primarily a bitmap which would explain the pixellated appearance. One way to check is to open the original PDF in the Preview application.


The track sheet window in LXConsole is a spreadsheet view of all the channels in all the cues. You can edit the level of any channel in any cue by changing its value in the window.
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