Grouped fixture snapping off center

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Grouped fixture snapping off center

Post by lloydriford »

Working with the latest LXBeams I noticed that fixtures grouped with the gobo symbol snap to a position line slightly off center, as if they were snapping to the center of the group rather than the fixture. They keep the correct instrument number, so they are connecting with the position.

Also, I've taken to using option click in order to grab an un-grouped fixture rather than grabbing a label by mistake. I thought option click was only for grabing labels in grouped fixtures. Could the option click for un-grouped fixtures be set to grab labels and plain click go back to grabbing the fixture itself?
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Post by admin »

Nothing has really changed with these how the option key works. It has two functions and they depend on context. With an ungrouped symbol, the option key causes a click on an info field to select the symbol rather than the field. In a group, the option key will select a single graphic out of the group. These functions are separate although they use the same key to alter a click. And, a consequence is that the former does not work inside a group.

The ability of the object key to select a single option out of a group is meant to allow a single object to be manipulated rather than the entire group. Although dragging re-positions the entire group, nudging an object selected inside a group with the arrow keys will allow you to adjust its position. Also, you can edit the information for a single light inside a group this way (selecting it with the option key). If the option key did not have this function, many times, you'd have to ungroup a symbol to adjust or edit it.

It is possible to change the modifier key for one of these functions so that they can coexist independently. That might cause problems for people who are used to the option key for function that would be changed. But, fortunately, there's a better solution: The desktop applications now have a menu option similar to what's available on the iPad version of LXBeams as a preference where info fields are either globally selectable or not. This was added to the iPad because with small text and symbols, it is almost impossible to choose with a fingertip to select a symbol and not its unit number. With this new option (latest build 3.4.3 8813A) it is now possible to not select info fields when a light is inside a group.

There are two notes on the new setting. First, it is saved with views. So, if you have the Format -> Disable Info Field Selection option set and recall a view that was saved prior to this being added, you'll need to re-enable the option. Second, the option key still toggles this behavior. So, if you have the Format -> Disable Info Field Selection option set and hold down the option key, you will be able to select and move an info field. And, this inversion of the Disable Info Field Selection setting works inside a group!

The other issue is that lights inside groups do not snap to positions. If it appears that a grouped light is snapping off center, it is snapping to the grid and not a position line. There is a relatively new option in the OS X applications that is an option in LXBeams for iPad. That is the ability to have lights move accessories and owned device symbols without resorting to grouping. With this enabled, a gobo symbol inside a light will move along with the light--without resorting to grouping. With this preference enabled, moving the light automatically detects the gobo symbol and moves it the same distance.

Using this preference (found in the automatic tab) will probably solve the issue that prompted this post. If the "Lights move accessories and owned devices" option is enabled, Format->Insert->Add Gobo symbol will simply add the gobo symbol rather than grouping it with the light. But, at the same time, moving the light will also move the gobo symbol just as if it were grouped. And, the light will snap into alignment with a position as expected.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:14 pm
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Post by lloydriford »

Great solutions! Thanks.
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