PDF Export - page alignment off

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PDF Export - page alignment off

Post by JasonL »

Today when I started exporting my plots to PDF, They're shifted off center on the page so the whole top of my plots are cutoff in the PDF. The file looks fine in LXBeams, it's all there.

I did do a update from v2.7 to v3.5.0 on Mavericks yesterday. But I was exporting updates to PDF all day yesterday just fine. So I don't think that's it.

Here are the files to see what's happening:
- Full image from yesterday: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/462 ... 0image.jpg

- How the PDF Export looks today (cropped at the top): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/462 ... ropped.jpg

I converted the PDFs to jpg for easy online viewing.

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Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:41 pm
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Fixed it

Post by JasonL »

Maybe it was re-opening a file from the previous version of LXBeams, but I fixed my issue.

I changed the margins to 0. then set the top back to .25 inches.
Then reset "Match to Contents"

Now it exports the full page correctly to PDF...
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Post by admin »

Re-opening a plot should not change the document size. There are three main things that change the size other than using "Match Contents". First, obviously, changing the width or height in pages. Second, changing any of the margins. Third, clicking OK after using the Page Setup sheet.

The third option, using Page Setup could change the size even if you leave the paper choice alone. This is because Page Setup always sets the minimum margins for the paper. So, if you had set smaller margins than the minimum for the paper and then looked at Page Setup, the margins would get reset. This would result in the document size shrinking slightly.

On examining this, there is an error where the margins will get reset even if you click Cancel in the PageSetup sheet. This will be fixed in the next build.

The next build will also warn when the margins are reset to the minimum for the printable area of the paper. And, in the Document/Margins tab there will be an indicator when a margin is set smaller than the minimum for the printable area.
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