Request - please make the infofields keep color and position

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Johan Söderberg
Posts: 294
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:35 pm

Request - please make the infofields keep color and position

Post by Johan Söderberg »

I have a plot (LXBeams) with lots of info so I have to manually move ch, dimmer and circuit numbers around a bit to make them all readable.
I also use different colours for the letters in different fields to prevent misunderstandings.

But nowadays if I choose all lights and hide for instance the dimmer nrs because I dont want to print them, that will work but all memory of what colour and position they used to have is lost.

Next time I show the fields they have moved back to default positions and are all in black again.
Site Admin
Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

The checkboxes in the Inspector's info table create and remove text field linked to objects. When you check a box, a text field is created showing the particular info for all selected objects. Likewise, unchecking a box for a row removes the fields for that row from all selected objects.

The font/style and stroke color are enforced to be uniform for all displayed info fields of the same type. eg. the font and stroke color of all info fields displaying channel information must be the same. But, the location of a field is kept with the field and is lost when the field is deleted. (If you delete all fields of a certain type, then there are none to hold the font/stroke color and that will return to the default the next time a field of that type is created.

In order to hide all info fields of a certain type without losing their properties, you will need to turn off their drawing rather than delete them.

In the latest build of LXBeams (10208.1) there are some added contextual menu items to help you achieve this.

In order to not draw all dimmer information, you would select a symbol with a dimmer field. Then, in the Inspector' info tab you would click on the word "dimmer" to select that row in the info table. With the row selected, hold down the control key or right click on the row. This will popup a contextual menu. Choosing "Select All" will select every info text field displaying dimmer information in the entire plot. With all these fields selected, switch to the Drawing tab and uncheck "Draw Stroke"
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