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what's this?

Post by lanternz »

_endUndoGroupRemovingIfEmpty:: NSUndoManager 0x103fd87f0 is in invalid state, endUndoGrouping called with no matching begin

Some extreme slowing down and this message coming up on message pad. I was option/ swiping to zoom in at the time. Drawing size is only 711KB. Set layer is direct copy and paste from Vectorworks 2008. Version 2.0.4 build 6021.
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Post by admin »

There has been an issue with zooming in on large imported graphics. The default is for the OS to cache PDF graphics. However, it takes 4x the memory for each 2x of zoom to do this. LXBeams (2.0.7) now stops caching after the zoom exceeds 2x. Because as zoom increases, less of the graphic is drawn, this should not have too much impact on scrolling speed and is more than made up for by memory savings.

It could be that your large graphic caused an exception when it was being drawn leading to the inconsistency in the UndoManager. There's no solution when that happens but to close and re-open the document.

The reason that zooming large graphics has only recently appeared as an issue is unclear. It may be responsible for reports that text fields could not be deleted. Because the UndoManager would just keep throwing exceptions and preventing actions. It has not been possible to reproduce that problem and thus find the cause. If anyone has a sure way of reproducing that error, please post it.

Since v2.0.5 the UndoManager grouping problem has been trapped to prevent the UndoManager from becoming out of whack. Also, exception reporting now causes the message window to appear. In prior versions it was necessary to open the Console.app (Utilities) to read the log to find out what was happening. This is why you got the message. Otherwise, LXBeams would have just kept throwing exceptions when you tried to do something and you wouldn't have known what was wrong.
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