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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:00 pm
by lanternz
I really like the changes to the inspector in Pro version 1.2.2 but can we re-size the width as well as the height please. I can't see the draw buttons in the current width without scrolling unless I drag the box to full height to eliminate the vertical scroll bar.
Also is there an option to reveal all the text in the use or note field by hovering over with the mouse like in lots of other mac apps? I sometimes put a lot of text in these fields and would like to put more.
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:00 pm
by admin
The info table does expand a cell's contents into a floating window if you hover the cursor over a line. But, the Inspector's window has to be highlighted by clicking its title bar for this to be activated.
Normally, the plot window is kept as the active window so that commands are addressed to it. If you make the Inspector active to see the cell expansion popup, you'll need to click back to the plot window to continue to work with it.
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:18 pm
by lanternz
Thanks admin.
The ability to copy channel numbers etc by multiple selection of instruments, selecting the attribute and hitting enter seems to have gone from my version (LXB 1.2.2).
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:45 am
by admin
Normally in Mac OS, when a cell is not changed by an edit, nothing happens. LXFree/LXBeams worked around this limitation. But, that modification got messed up when the Inspector was enhanced with outline categories.
Thanks for pointing this out. After a number of large shows this summer, it remained unnoticed...
This is now fixed in LXFree 1.7.5/LXBeams 1.2.5 (latest build).
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:27 am
by lanternz
I very much like the amount of text space allocated to the "use" field and this is proving to be very useful - for those who have not found it yet, double click the word "use". Are there any more bits on the way? Can we have the potential of text filling entry in "group" field? So that we do not mess up magic sheet groupings by calling some instruments "front fill" and some "front light" and some "facial" etc.
Once I did something and have not been able to repeat it that resulted in a color choice list appearing in the color field - how do you do that?
Is it possible for the copying info action (multiple selection and and "enter" in the field you want to copy for those who have not found it yet) to work for the color of text as well?
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:06 pm
by admin
The color entry finder will leave your entry alone if it is an exact match to a color in the library. Otherwise, it displays a list of potential matches if there is more than one. If there is a single match, it just fills it in for you. To see how this works, try typing "red". Also type "hemsley".
Of course, this may be too smart and you really want the color to be "vixen" not "8250". In which case, the preferences allow you to disable automatic color search.
This is a longstanding peeve of mine. Why do painters speak of colors such as "Prussian Blue" and lighting designers speak of "R80"? Its like a code no one else can understand.
The automatic color finder came about when I couldn't remember which of the 360's was Hemsley Blue. I knew the color --its just like Lake Mendota at certain times of the year-- but I couldn't remember the number. So, I added the color entry finder to be able to look through the library by name not just number.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:48 pm
by lanternz
Fantastic. Thanks. I love it.