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Align to grid

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:23 pm
by frenchie16
I have been building a plot in LX-free with snap to grid and show grid on.
I have encountered a problem where sometimes things will end up misaligned, for various reasons (For instance: copying/pasting does not align to grid, inserting a title or key block does not align it to the grid, moving things with snap to grid off, moving the origin).Snap to grid then allows me to move these objects in increments of one grid square, but does not actually cause them to realign to the grid.

Entering coordinates manually seemed like it might fix my problem, but actually this turned out to be even worse. For one thing, the inspector only shows coordinates to the nearest half-inch, even though things can be positioned more precisely than that. Further, when I tried entering coordinates manually, very strange things happened. If I entered 0 and 0 for x and y, the object would move to the origin, but when I hit enter for each number, the number would change to a different number of feet (apparently measured against something other than the origin.) The numbers I entered matched the resulting placement, but the numbers displayed were entirely different. Also, objects would not end up aligned to the grid exactly- just very close. Even stranger, entering the same coordinate repeatedly for X would result in the object alternating between two different positions, each slightly to one side of the expected position.

What is going on?

EDIT: I discovered this only applies to groups. Grouped objects behave very strangely. Ungrouped objects behave in a much more sane manner.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:50 pm
by admin
The latest build corrects the issue with the location of a group shown in the Inspector. Locations are the center of the object or group. What was happening was that the location showed correctly. But changing the location x or y was setting relative to the lower left corner not the center, causing the fluctuating values that you observed.

Also, objects will "snap" to their center point aligned with the grid when they are dragged with the snap to grid option turned on. Even when this option is on, objects can be nudged one pixel at a time using the arrow keys.

An object in a group can be selected and edited individually without ungrouping by holding down the option key and clicking on it. Objects directly selected out of a group cannot be repositioned by dragging. But they can be nudged by the arrow keys or moved by entering coordinates in the Inspector.