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focus title

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:11 pm
by lanternz
If there was a "focus title" field in the instrument info tab then it would be possible to quickly use the find function to see all the instruments that were generally dsr or table 1 for example. I guess there are existing functions that can do this but the focus x or y fields are too specific to capture the general issue of all the lights that might be effecting a particular area of the stage. The group function does not apply as it may be a front or a backlight and the use field has way too much detail in my plots to be useful. It would be even better if you could just click on an area of the drawing and have the plot reveal all the lights that currently impinge on that area. I am trying to address the issue of locating incorrect levels in a complex plot when it is sometimes difficult to pick which light is really causing the problem.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:41 pm
by admin
I usually use the "use" field for the purpose you describe. So, where the group might be "backlight", the use might be "DSR". And, you could indeed search for "DSR" and find all the lights designated to that area.

If you are using "use" for something else, it is possible with LXBeams to assign the "User Data" field a different name. To do this, select the Setup->Data Fields command. In the table, you can double-click "User Data" and change the name. Then, from the category popup, change from "Hide" to which ever category that you want the field to appear under.

Most of the fields have special assigned uses. You wouldn't want to try to use "Focus X" for something other that the x coordinate of the focus point of the light. Otherwise, you would have some problems with aiming lights. "Frost", "Note" and "User Data" can be easily reassigned.

If you are not using circuits separate from dimmers, you can use the category popup to hide the circuit field. Or, you can re-arrange other fields to appear under different categories. For example, you might move your most used fields to appear under the "Lights" category and other, less used, details to the "More" category.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:55 am
by lanternz
Thanks for that, I will try that on my next show. I would be interested to have your thoughts on your original intentions for the focus documentation. In the use field I have the focus position but also it's function in the show, indications as to what system it works in, notes as to shutter cuts and specific relationships to furniture or walls. This comes from the needs of documenting repertoire opera. Specifically where do you think items such as the following parameters should be placed: Focus intention, lamp center, beam edge, shutter cuts, scenery incidence notes, system partnerships. By the way I can't seem to get the edge field to appear, I have it set to appear in focus and it is ticked to appear in Rpt. but it does not appear.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:02 pm
by admin
You can use fields the way you wish. However, the general LXSeries design uses the "group" field to describe the system that the light belongs to, eg. backlight, warm front, etc. The "use" field is more specific description of the part of the system provided by that light, eg. area A, DSL, Center, etc. Combined, this gives a two part general description of what the function of the light is, eg. Backlight Area A, Warm Front DSL, etc.

There are two reasons to use these fields in this way. One, both are transferrable from LXBeams to LXConsole and meanings make sense as far as the patch table in LXConsole goes. LXConsole also uses the group field to enable a shortcut for selecting all the channels in a system. (option-click on one channel in the group and all are selected) Second, the group summary report makes the most sense when these fields are used in this manner.

I've been using the "notes" field for specifics like shutter cuts.

I understand what you are after. So, in the latest build of LXBeams 3.0.6, there are 5 additional user fields you can enable. There are two more user data fields (User Data 2 and User Data 3) that are available for all kinds of lights. And, there are three user focus fields that apply to non-automated fixtures. These are named by default, "Focus Center", "Focus Beam" and "Focus Cuts". (The existing "edge" field is reserved for automated fixtures and currently can only be added to the list of device addresses).

All of the new user fields are not saved if they are hidden. So, a plot that does not use these fields will not store extra empty values. This means that if you hide these fields after you've used them, the data in them will be lost. You are warned about this if you hide one of these fields in the Data Fields sheet.