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Picking objects.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:46 pm
by Johan Söderberg
This will be a bit difficult to explain in english, but i´ll try...

If i draw a position line and close to its ending put something else; a text or some other object and then later want to alter length or direction of that first line by dragging it: - I see to that positionline gets marked and then try to catch one of the handles in its ends.

But that is then impossible if something else is covering that point in the end. It cant be caught in.
Instead I end up moving around whatever might have been lying there in top of that marker. It can be anything and you probably wont see it until its marked - like a big text field wit lots of empty space or a small rotated object for instance.

Pretty annoying...

Running LXBeams Version 3.1.1 (77A29)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:47 pm
by admin
In the latest build 3.1.9 (8015A), objects that are already selected have priority on being manipulated by clicking even over objects that are drawn on top of them.

So, this solves the problem of grabbing a handle that is selected but behind another object.

The only time this new change might be an issue is if you select an object, send it behind an object that overlaps it, and then try to select the overlapping object. Because that already selected object (which is now behind the other) has priority, you may not be able to select the top object without first clearing the selection and then clicking again. I'm going to guess that this is not a very common occurrence and that the new change is for the better and less annoying than previous versions.