color scrollers

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color scrollers

Post by lanternz »

I want to enter a custom gel string into a set of scrollers. It seems the color of a frame in the scroller is set by it's numerical value but I can not see where to find the numerical value of a particular color in the library. If I change the color name it simply does not accept that information and reverts to the color determined by the numerical value. Is it possible to simply enter the name of the color and have it set the value.
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Post by admin »

It is easy to rig a search for the color number from the full name. But, there is often more than one correct result. "Golden Amber" yields Apollo 7450, Lee 134, and R21 not to mention Lee 135 Dark Golden Amber and R321 Soft Golden Amber.

So, LXBeams 1.0.14 has a color name search feature that allows you to choose from more than one matching result. The feature applies to regular color entry as well as device info. Try entering "hemsley" or "tharon" as the color for a light (or the detail in the device info for a color scroll). Also, try "red". If you want a long list, try "blue"!!

If the automatic color search feature is in the way, you can disable it in the automatic tab of the preferences.
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