How to get started with lighting

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How to get started with lighting

Post by JacobFonsecn »

Hello everybody,

I'm pretty new to ST modeling and finally decided to start with one of the three Voyager kits I have (original boxing). Bough them many years ago as an 'investment' and then finally Revell decided to drop the ball on it again. So, instead of selling them, I'd like to build them

I had a look around on the site and found some good references. I'm still looking for a good guide to start with a kit like this. Not the plastic modeling part (I've been doing that for many years with airplanes and stuff), but the lighting and electronics part.

So, where do you start? First the lightning part? Drilling out all bits and pieces replacing them with leds? One big light for all the windows? Dividing the body in multiple parts? And how to you cope with the basic powersource and hooking everything up? I'm clueless.

I'll have a look at our local gardning store because Christmas is coming and they have alot of thos small little houses with leds and stuff. I think I can find a few bits and pieces.

Hope you can help.

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