I'm a Arch Linux user, how can i install LXFree for Java once that you just have a package for Debian based versions?
1) Copy the lxfreeforjava.deb file to the desktop.
2) Open a terminal window and
3) Use the command:
this will extract three files, debian-binary, data.tar.xz, control.tar.gz
4) Use the command
This will extract the usr folder from the data archive and put it on the desktop.
This is NOT /usr but a folder on the desktop named also named usr.
5) Inside ~/Desktop/usr/share/claudeheintzdesign-lxseries there is the jar file for the application, LXFreeForJava.jar
6) That's what you need to run the application, all the rest of the package, you can throw away.
2) Open a terminal window and
Code: Select all
cd ~/desktop
Code: Select all
ar -x lxfreeforjava.deb
4) Use the command
Code: Select all
tar -xf data.tar.xz
This is NOT /usr but a folder on the desktop named also named usr.
5) Inside ~/Desktop/usr/share/claudeheintzdesign-lxseries there is the jar file for the application, LXFreeForJava.jar
Code: Select all
mv ~/Desktop/usr/share/claudeheintzdesign-lxseries/LXFreeForJava.jar ~/Desktop/LXFreeForJava.jar