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How to save diferent layers...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:44 pm
by Jullbryner
Can anyone tell me how to save different layers of a plot?
I keep saving differents views but they donĀ“t remaing saved. It just remain the last one saved. No matters if I save them with different names, just the last one remain saved.
Thank you!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:37 pm
by admin
Views are a saved set of settings including the zoom and what layers are visible, etc. They are meant to save time where you would have to switch a number of individual settings, instead you can save a view and switch all at once. For example, you might save a view that is zoomed in on a position and hides a number of layers that are not necessary. And another that shows zooms out and shows you the plot all at once with more layers visible. Then, recalling the views allows quickly switching all the settings rather than adjusting them one by one.

Layers are edited in the Inspector's Document tab. You add layers using the popup button below the layers table. The table itself is used to re-name layers and to determine if they are visible, selectable and which layer is the current drawing layer. The popup button also allows you to select a layer and move it up and down in the list which will change if it is drawn beneath or on top of the other layers.

Normally only objects on the current drawing layer are selectable. But, you can make any layer always selectable using the "*" check box column in the layers table. While new objects are always drawn on the current drawing layer, a selectable layer allows access to and editing of its objects even when it is not the current layer.