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lxfree Java

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:40 pm
by twomeyd
Just wondering if there are any other users of LXfree Java out there? I came across it just before Christmas and designed a show with it with great success. Well done to whoever is in charge!

Could anyone else who uses it add comments here and begin a conversation.

Denis Twomey

new user

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:33 am
by brownr
It wasn't easy but I managed to enter my theater. It has 9 battens with over 300 fixtures. My biggest problem was the "#" that kept showing up on ever fixture. There are many functions that I don't understand but with time I hope to learn.

Free LX java user.....

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:27 am
Just got the Java version last month and am pretty pleased. I am going to get kids in class to do basic plot from it. It's fantastic. Simple but not amateur. Complete but not overwhelming. I am looking to make a template for a space on campus. We have two spaces actually.
Efficient way for this ?
Anyone ?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:20 pm
by Johan Söderberg
My biggest problem was the "#" that kept showing up on ever fixture
I dont run the Java version, so Im not quite sure, but I think you can shut off the "automatic unit number display" in the preferences.

See under LXfree > prefs >automatic I think youll find the option to disable these annoying little numbers there.

In older plots you can mark all symbols and in the inspector window choose not to show to the # number while all your symbols are marked. That wil hide all "unit nrs" from the plot.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:22 am
by victor
I am using lxfree java..
I like it, but I can't seem to turn off the automatic numbering. For instance, I tour and number my lamps in a specific order.. not just 1,2,3,4 etc. If lamp 34 does a job, lamp 34 does a job.. if I later add a new lamp, I still want 34 to be 34. NOT 35 all the sudden! It's so much easier to call a focus when you know your numbers and the venue tech has your patch.

If I try and copy and paste a group of lamps from one file to a new one (say the last venue template to the next venue template) the program renumbers all the lamps while I pop them on the LX pipe positions.

It's a pile of work to renumber every lamp on the pipe every time I decide to slide a light along the grid.


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:42 am
by admin
In the Inspector's info tab, there is a popup button with numbering options called "Position Numbering".

To turn off numbering for any or all positions, all you need to do is to select the position(s) and change the numbering option. For example, you might choose Edit->Select->All to select every position in currently selectable layers. Then, select, "Don't Number" from the position numbering popup. That will turn off numbering for all selected positions.

Note: It does not matter what other objects are selected by select all because numbering only applies to positions. Other objects ignore any changes that do not apply to them.