Osc Control of Colour

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Osc Control of Colour

Post by Mattgraham »

is it possible to have osc control of Colour (red, Green, blue) In the same way you can with Beam and Iris?
Site Admin
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Post by admin »

You can assign a command line to any MIDI or OSC message. To specify a sub channel such as red, green or blue, you use channel.subchannel. So, if you have a fader that sends a value from 0 to 1 and you want to control the red of channel 157, the command line would look like this: 157.23@%p
Green would be 157.24@%p
Blue would be 157.25@%p

The built-in commands for the controls window such as CCIntensity address the faders in that window. There is no specific fader for red, green, blue or other misc. sub channels. So, in the latest build of LXConsole, it is possible to address other sub channels in the controls window by their subchannel number. Keeping to the above example, actions that control red, green and blue would look like:


This only applies to LXConsole build 5812 and later.
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:41 pm

Post by Mattgraham »

Thank you very much this works perfectly
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