Patch problem

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Patch problem

Post by louison87 »

Hello everyboby...

It's been a week I use LX. It's work perfectly except 1 point ...
I can't change the patch of my dimmer, I've try many things nothing works ( change version of LX, read all I can on the forum or on the net)
I'm a beginner, but I've already ask to friend who use it regularly, it's still a mystery.
I use LX with an Enttec MK2 on mac book pro V 10.8.3
Thanks for your support
(sorry for my poor english)
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Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:54 am

Post by louison87 »

Just some precision.
I change the patch on the channels table.
ex : channel 1 is on patch 1, I change Channel 1 on patch 3.
And after when I play my channel 1 it's still the patch 1 who go and nothing on the patch 3.

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Post by admin »

The most likely cause of this is in the DMX Out tab of the Preferences window. In that tab, there is a checkbox called "Send Channels". This option bypasses the patch so that channel 1 will always control DMX 1, channel 2, DMX 2, etc. From your description, it sounds like this box is checked.
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Post by louison87 »

It's that.... thanks a lot

You save me I Spend like one day and half only on this problem with no solution...
And I have a show in 4 days, I can work quieter

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Patch help

Post by livory »

Hello, i am a very new user of this program...
I've been used it with qlab pro 2, and i have just 3 questions:

1: how can i change the patch ?
2: can i control my movil heads spots with it..? and
3: i were trying to control some functions of the program throw touch osc, but i can't...what am i doing wrong?

Thank you very much for the help...
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Post by admin »

The patch is found in the table in the lower half of the main split screen display. You can drag this open using the dividing bar. Take a look at the help section about the main window.

To set up an individual channel, such as to control a moving fixture, hold down the control key and click on it. A menu will popup with access to the channel setup sheet. You can use the import button to load a pre-defined channel setup from the selection built into the application. Or, you can setup the subchannels manually. There's a fair amount of information about subchannels already in the forum.

particularly on a computer-to-computer wireless network, it can take several tries of going to TouchOSC's settings and then to the OSC connection pane and tapping on "LX_OSC" to get a connection to establish. There doesn't seem to be a magic number of times of repeating the sequence or a reason for this. It just works after several tries.

There can also be firewall issues that prevent OSC packets from being transmitted. And, if you don't see "LX_OSC" at the bottom of the TouchOSC connection list, then you can check to make sure that the device and computer are both connected to the same network and that LXConsole's OSC connection is set to the correct IP address. Note that seeing "LX_OSC" available in TouchOSC does not rule out a firewall issue because the service is advertised with Bonjour which may be allowed through the firewall while the actual OSC message packets are not.
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