Small Display Bug

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Small Display Bug

Post by freadZdead »

Hi Claude,

I found what looks like a small display bug - when switched to "Show only patched channels", for all channel numbers >= 192, the first digit is not displayed (though it does look like a space is there, as the remaining two digits are not quite centred over the intensity.

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Post by admin »

To improve readability, LXConsole only displays the channel's hundreds digit for every channel ending in 9, 0 or 1. It is easy to know that the 91 next to 190 refers to 191 and the display is less cluttered overall.

This does not make sense for displaying only patched channels because it is quite possible, in the above example, that 91 refers to 291 if no channels are patched between 190 and 290. So, all digits are now displayed in patched channels only mode.
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