patch issue ch 1 and 10

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patch issue ch 1 and 10

Post by mikkeljensen »

i experience that i cant use channel 1 and 10 since i wont patch.
first off all the 2 channels are ghosted,not patched, when i open LX console.
then i try to patch 1-1, via setup>channel>patch menu. but 1 and 10 is still not on.
manually i can now try to do it in the patch screen. it is possible but when i have patched channel 1 and try to patch channel 10, channel 1 goes off again and opposite.
anyone with same experience and how to solve it ?

best regards Mikkel
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Post by admin »

Is it that these channels are not patched when you open a new file?

Is it that Patch 1 to 1 does not patch these channels?

Or both?

Does this happen for anyone else?

If you look in the system console (/Utilities/ under all messages are there any exceptions of messages from LXConsole shown?
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Post by admin »

It appears this issue is caused by a numeric value in the preferences->address->universe separator field.

The universe separator is meant as punctuation. It allows a shorthand for specifying a dimmer address in a second or later universe. The default is a period. This means that and address can be written 514 or 2.2. If you change this to a dash, then address 514 could be written 2-2. Note that "1-100" and "100" would be the same in the last example.
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