
LXConsole support and feedback
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Posts: 51
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:29 am


Post by timmrogers »

Stupid question, I know - but could someone please explain how I can define subs? I have cues and groups working nicely, but subs still elude me.

Also: How do subs differ from groups? When should I choose one over the other?

Thank you.
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Post by admin »

You can create and edit subs directly in "Subs" mode. Or, you can record a sub just like you record a group from "Live" mode: Instead of pressing "r" and then "g" (record group:), you press "r" then "s" (record sub:) followed by the sub number and then <enter>.

Subs differ from groups in how they are used. Both can be recalled from the command line eg. "group: 21@50" or "sub: 21@50". The difference is that the group will set its marked channels proportional to the entered level. The sub will set its intensity levels on an HTP basis.

Assume that currently channel 1 is at 20% and channel 2 is a 40%. Further assume both sub 21 and group 21 have marked channel 1 at 30% and channel 2 at 100%. The resulting levels after "group: 21@50" are channel 1 at 15% and channel 2 at 50%. Conversely, the result after "sub: 21@50" is that channel 1 remains at 20% while channel 2 is now at 50%.

In any of the blind modes, "Cues", "Groups", or "Subs" the changes using "group: 21@50" or "sub: 21@50" are written into the preset being edited. In "Live" mode, setting the level of a group is the same as individually setting the levels of its marked channels. Unless recorded, running a cue may alter those levels and they will not be preserved. In "Live" mode, setting the level of a sub is like setting its level on a separate output layer. The sub's levels persist in that layer and affect the final output on a HTP basis until either the sub's level is set to zero or all sub levels are cleared. Subs are controllable via MIDI or OSC making them behave in "Live" mode as submasters do on a dedicated light board.

Groups have a further use in that they can be included in cues. When this is done, editing the group will alter all the cues that include it. Subs have further uses in that they can be used instead of cues as presets for effects or live scenes.
Posts: 51
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:29 am

Post by timmrogers »

Thank you very much. Very helpful.

Other than your Help file and this forum, is there any other documentation for LXConsole that can recommend? Or does it emulate the commands of a particular lighting console that I can study?

Thanks again.
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