In the past when I moved a slider in Touch OSC it would change the numbers in the channel and move the slider in the channel Controls Window.
That no longer happens although it does record the changes once I record it.
Mark Nizer
OSC and Channel Controls
The channel controls window only applies to hilited channels in the main display. This can trip you up and make you think that the channel controls are not working when it is just that there is no channel selected.
Other than that, there's a lot of possible ways you might have setup what you describe. If you could be more specific, that might help pin down the exact cause for your problem. For instance, what message is TouchOSC sending to LXConsole to control the channel? Is this a direct command, one that has an address pattern that starts with /cmd.lxconsole/? Or, is the command mapped through OSC actions defined in the setup window?
Other than that, there's a lot of possible ways you might have setup what you describe. If you could be more specific, that might help pin down the exact cause for your problem. For instance, what message is TouchOSC sending to LXConsole to control the channel? Is this a direct command, one that has an address pattern that starts with /cmd.lxconsole/? Or, is the command mapped through OSC actions defined in the setup window?