various issues in the channel window

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various issues in the channel window

Post by freadZdead »

Hi Claude,

I have recently experienced some strange things in the Channel window, including:

- not being able to see/apply allegedly recorded favourites/defined values anymore; this happened across a few fixtures using the same colour mixing system, i.e. HSI.

- when selecting one or several fixtures, I cannot seem to i.e. type in a gel number and it setting the RGBW values of a custom fixture type that I made (that has all the right subchannels, and that react when I set them manually on the left column by typing in values per subchannel.

Would you mind having a look at that, as they are handy features indeed (when they work :). Working currently in Version 5.1.1 (11419.1).


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Post by admin »

Can you e-mail the file with the custom fixture type patched? It may be that LXConsole is not recognizing the color mix type. It would help to have your file to determine if that is the case or not.
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Post by freadZdead »

Just send two shows, both LX Beams and LX Console files.

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Post by admin »

It appears that your custom fixture has both a scroll or wheel and RGBW mixing. When you select a color with the picker or type a color name, LXConsole looks for defined values for the frame rather than creating a mix of the LEDs. This is a matter of what comes first. In the latest build of LXConsole, the order is reversed. So, your RGBW mover with the scroller (what is that fixture? never heard of it, Google doesn't find it...) will create a mix of the LEDs when you request a color. However, the opposite problem will happen where it will not select a color from the frame subchannel.

There may be a way to do both, but that's a problem to solve for the future. At least fixtures with both a color mixing and a color wheel/scroll are not common.

The problem with remembering Hue/Saturation defined values is solved in the latest build 5.2.3 (11830.1)
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Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:23 am
Location: Adelaide, Australia

Post by freadZdead »

Thanks for the fix on both accounts!

Yeah, I just cobbled the fixture together from someone's white leccy tape with sharpie writing on an old Jands ESPII manual fader desk :). don't actually know the fixture, and for this particular show, I was not even planning to use most of the subchannels, but there you go. I assume what it really is is not a physical scroller, but a color macro setting...

Again - thank you for the fix!


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