Manual Crosssfade

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Manual Crosssfade

Post by Raimon »

Hello Claude.

Is there a way to use the last two faders on my NanoKontrol as a traditional manual crossfade? i'm sure it must be one, but i can't manage to find it. I'm sorry if the question was already answered, i've benn looking on forums and i've found nothing about this.

Thanks, Claude, I love LX.
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Post by admin »

It is not possible to exactly duplicate a two scene preset console. However, you can manually operate both the increasing and decreasing channels of a cue separately.

A manual fade is armed by lowering the manual fader (or the manual up fader if separate). When armed, the Go button changes to read "Manual". After pressing the Go button, the manual fader(s) control the playback of the next cue.

To operate manual fades in split mode with the last two faders of a nanoKontrol, the table in the Midi tab of the setup window would have the following three entries:

cc-12 manupu@%v
cc-13 mandown@%v
cc-41 GO

To playback a cue, bring faders 8 and 9 on the nanoKontrol to zero. This should change the go button to read "Manual"

Press the bottom button by fader 9 (Go) to activate the manual fade.

Fader 8 now controls the speed of the increasing channels in the cue you are running.

Fader 9 now controls the speed of the decreasing channels in the cue you are running.

Once both 8 and 9 have reached the top, the manual fade is over and the Go button will return to normal.
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Location: Barcelona

Post by Raimon »

It works! that's almost exactly what i was asking for!

i got still one more question about the sequence i forgot to mention on the post: i would like to program two buttons as seq+ and seq- commands. (Seq+ goes straight to next step, and seq- launches previous ignoring the times) it's a fast way to navigate up and down into the sequence.
I'm sorry i ca'nt properly explain myself. I write from Catalonia, Spain.

Thank you again!
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

I think you are asking for jumping forward and back from cue to cue, bypassing the fade times. This is what happens in Quick mode. ( Cue->Live->Quick Mode).

You can set LXConsole in Quick Mode and then use regular Go and Back actions.

But, to allow remote access to both without the need to use the menu command and switch in and out of Quick mode, there are now two new MIDI/OSC actions: QuickGO and QuickBACK. These are found in the latest build. v5.2.4 (11904.1). Note that this is not the current release, download 5.2.4 with the latest build link under other downloads.
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