MIDI Controller
Today's latest build, 1.3.37, adds a "Manual" slider to the Live window. If you set the manual fader to zero, the "Go" button changes to "Manual". Clicking this button initiates a manual fade with the progress determined by the Manual slider. Once the slider is at 100%, the manual fade is complete.
The manual slider is controllable by MIDI. Just as the master is controlled by the MIDI action master@%v, the manual slider can be controlled as manual@%v.
To run a cue manually via MIDI, it is the same as in the Live window. The manual slider needs to be set at zero and a GO command issued. Following this, the level of the manual slider controls the progress of the cue until it reaches 100%.
The manual slider is controllable by MIDI. Just as the master is controlled by the MIDI action master@%v, the manual slider can be controlled as manual@%v.
To run a cue manually via MIDI, it is the same as in the Live window. The manual slider needs to be set at zero and a GO command issued. Following this, the level of the manual slider controls the progress of the cue until it reaches 100%.
I tested the new update, and i saw some "disfonctionnement".
I try to explain:
When i only use the go, it works. When i change to manual, it works too, but if i follow with a go, the cross fade stop at 99% or 100% but doesn't finish. And i can't fire another cue. And the program crash. I have to ask him to "force quit". And if open a second time Lxconsol, it doesn't work, it makes me the same problem. I have to restart the computer.
And when i think to a manual crossfade, i was thinking of 2 midi slider, one command to the actual cue to go down, and one to command the next cue to go up. In the midi controler i can inverse one slider value and have the 100% at the bottom, and the 0% at the top. So, doing the same way as you propose, i can put the both slider at the top and reload the manual by going down, and go again.
Hope you're not losing your mind with my question.
I tested the new update, and i saw some "disfonctionnement".
I try to explain:
When i only use the go, it works. When i change to manual, it works too, but if i follow with a go, the cross fade stop at 99% or 100% but doesn't finish. And i can't fire another cue. And the program crash. I have to ask him to "force quit". And if open a second time Lxconsol, it doesn't work, it makes me the same problem. I have to restart the computer.
And when i think to a manual crossfade, i was thinking of 2 midi slider, one command to the actual cue to go down, and one to command the next cue to go up. In the midi controler i can inverse one slider value and have the 100% at the bottom, and the 0% at the top. So, doing the same way as you propose, i can put the both slider at the top and reload the manual by going down, and go again.
Hope you're not losing your mind with my question.
I believe that the problem with interrupted cues is now fixed. Because a cue runs in a separate thread to improve efficiency, sometimes the interface would improperly show a cue as running or finished after a fade was interrupted.
The manual fade has to get all the way to 100% to be complete. I don't know what MIDI controller you have. But the one I use is a Korg mini Kontrol and sometimes the slider doesn't encode all the way to 100% (or to 0% at the other end). Because the interrupted cue thing is fixed, this shouldn't be an issue because you can always just go on to the next cue. If you need to run another manual fade, you can always use the stop button to end the first one so you can set the fader back to zero to run another one.
There are two MIDI commands added that allow you to separately control the up and down parts of a fade manually. They are "manup@%v" and "mandown@%v". This is a MIDI only thing because there's no way to control two sliders on the Mac with a single mouse!
The manual fade has to get all the way to 100% to be complete. I don't know what MIDI controller you have. But the one I use is a Korg mini Kontrol and sometimes the slider doesn't encode all the way to 100% (or to 0% at the other end). Because the interrupted cue thing is fixed, this shouldn't be an issue because you can always just go on to the next cue. If you need to run another manual fade, you can always use the stop button to end the first one so you can set the fader back to zero to run another one.
There are two MIDI commands added that allow you to separately control the up and down parts of a fade manually. They are "manup@%v" and "mandown@%v". This is a MIDI only thing because there's no way to control two sliders on the Mac with a single mouse!
I tried with the version 1.3.38, and no more problem of interupted cue.
All the midi connection works perfectly. I tried with Qlab, Live and a manual midi controler. The new cross fade is great, and even more with Qlab, because you don't have to change or jump a cue, you just need to put the slider down, run the GO on Qlab like usual, and move the cross fade when you want to. (I bought a korg nano midi controler too, but i saw this problem, so i bought an UC 33 evolution, not perfect, but quasi.)
The new pacth on the midi in connection is a good thing too. Is it possible to choose more than 1, but not all?
One important thing i saw: the Mark option incorporate in the 1.3.28 version (if i remember well?), well, don't forget to unmark the channel if you need to run the next cue or if you want to play a sub, or to use the master unless if you don't want to change intensity on the markchannel. It could be quite confusing some time.
And i saw again the programme crash without raison. I was working on it, i went for 30 minutes, and when i came back, i just try to change a channel intensity, and the programme crash, and i had to restart the computer.
But i'm quite impatient to see Lxconsol 2.
Thank's again for this work.
I tried with the version 1.3.38, and no more problem of interupted cue.
All the midi connection works perfectly. I tried with Qlab, Live and a manual midi controler. The new cross fade is great, and even more with Qlab, because you don't have to change or jump a cue, you just need to put the slider down, run the GO on Qlab like usual, and move the cross fade when you want to. (I bought a korg nano midi controler too, but i saw this problem, so i bought an UC 33 evolution, not perfect, but quasi.)
The new pacth on the midi in connection is a good thing too. Is it possible to choose more than 1, but not all?
One important thing i saw: the Mark option incorporate in the 1.3.28 version (if i remember well?), well, don't forget to unmark the channel if you need to run the next cue or if you want to play a sub, or to use the master unless if you don't want to change intensity on the markchannel. It could be quite confusing some time.
And i saw again the programme crash without raison. I was working on it, i went for 30 minutes, and when i came back, i just try to change a channel intensity, and the programme crash, and i had to restart the computer.
But i'm quite impatient to see Lxconsol 2.
Thank's again for this work.
If LXConsole crashes and you get a crash log can you send it to lx@claudeheintzdesign?
It seems that there is an issue with unplugging a USB device that has an active connection. LXConsole has crashed when a DMXUSB Pro was unplugged. This may be a system level crash and only the log will tell for sure.
It seems that there is an issue with unplugging a USB device that has an active connection. LXConsole has crashed when a DMXUSB Pro was unplugged. This may be a system level crash and only the log will tell for sure.
I try the 2.0.8 version last time i worked, last week.
And i found some "new" midi problem: it's like some conflit between 2 midi information. For exemple: when you program some submaster with a midi controler, if you move just one, every thing ok, but if you try to move 2 sub at the same time, it make Lx crash, or slow...
The worth is with a midi curve in Qlab, and try to play a sub with midi controler.
Even more with the last version, just move the manuel midi cross fade makes some bug, untill you move the manup not at the same time than the mandown.
It's very scary, so i almost don't play with 2 midi at the same time, and it's a pity...
And i found some "new" midi problem: it's like some conflit between 2 midi information. For exemple: when you program some submaster with a midi controler, if you move just one, every thing ok, but if you try to move 2 sub at the same time, it make Lx crash, or slow...
The worth is with a midi curve in Qlab, and try to play a sub with midi controler.
Even more with the last version, just move the manuel midi cross fade makes some bug, untill you move the manup not at the same time than the mandown.
It's very scary, so i almost don't play with 2 midi at the same time, and it's a pity...
I'm not talking about a master command. The master works well, the problem is when 2 ( or more) midi informations are send to Lx consol. The program freeze, and slow down. Even if you program channel or sub, or manup, down, or master. If you move just 1 midi, every thing ok, but if you play 2 midi at the same time, it freeze Lx.
Hope it help.
Hope it help.
It appears that MIDI control changes can overwhelm the main user interface. When you move a fader or scroll a level using LXConsole, it gets a message every time the mouse moves. LXConsole has responded to MIDI messages as if it was being controlled by the mouse/keyboard. MIDI, however, can send many more control change messages than you would get by moving the mouse or by typing commands into the command line. Hence the backlog where the interface lags behind and/or seems unresponsive when receiving continuous control change messages. Also, some MIDI messages may even have been skipped while others are being processed.
LXConsole v2.0.16 (2.0.14 and later) provides some of the possible MIDI action commands with a delayed update of the user interface. This allows quick processing of MIDI control changes without attempting to update the interface each time. Updates are instead deferred and several messages may update the interface at a single time. This makes LXConsole much more responsive to multiple control changes messages being streamed at it.
MIDI actions can execute command line commands. Continuous MIDI control changes can cause choking of the command input. So, using command lines with control changes may not have the best results.
To allow smooth and quick MIDI level control, LXConsole v2.0.14 adds a new MIDI action command of the form "SUB-nn" (where nn is the submaster number). These commands set the level of a submaster from the velocity or control change value of the MIDI message. The result is the same as a command line action, "sub: nn@%v". However, the "SUB-" action bypasses the command line and uses deferred updating so that it is much quicker than the command line version.
LXConsole v2.0.14 also has updated processing for master@, manual@, manup@, and mandown@. This makes the use of a midi controller to run a split manual fade much more responsive than prior versions.
LXConsole 2.0.14 can handle at least 2 simultaneous chases/continuous control changes from QLab that run "SUB-" actions. At the same time, a separate cue can be run using the Go button on a G5.
A G4 can handle two simultaneously moving sliders on a MIDI controller that trigger "SUB-" actions while also running a cue. (Can't run QLab on the G4 to try out the chase but it would be similar to rapidly moving the sliders).
LXConsole v2.0.16 (2.0.14 and later) provides some of the possible MIDI action commands with a delayed update of the user interface. This allows quick processing of MIDI control changes without attempting to update the interface each time. Updates are instead deferred and several messages may update the interface at a single time. This makes LXConsole much more responsive to multiple control changes messages being streamed at it.
MIDI actions can execute command line commands. Continuous MIDI control changes can cause choking of the command input. So, using command lines with control changes may not have the best results.
To allow smooth and quick MIDI level control, LXConsole v2.0.14 adds a new MIDI action command of the form "SUB-nn" (where nn is the submaster number). These commands set the level of a submaster from the velocity or control change value of the MIDI message. The result is the same as a command line action, "sub: nn@%v". However, the "SUB-" action bypasses the command line and uses deferred updating so that it is much quicker than the command line version.
LXConsole v2.0.14 also has updated processing for master@, manual@, manup@, and mandown@. This makes the use of a midi controller to run a split manual fade much more responsive than prior versions.
LXConsole 2.0.14 can handle at least 2 simultaneous chases/continuous control changes from QLab that run "SUB-" actions. At the same time, a separate cue can be run using the Go button on a G5.
A G4 can handle two simultaneously moving sliders on a MIDI controller that trigger "SUB-" actions while also running a cue. (Can't run QLab on the G4 to try out the chase but it would be similar to rapidly moving the sliders).