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Sub, Cue option, effect

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:25 pm
by Johan Söderberg
I tested the function to simply write an effectname in a sub to make it an effect master.
And that worked just fine to run on my little KORG Nanocontrol.

So I thought Id take it a step further and put FX speeds on the little knobs above each effectmaster but that didn't work as expected.

Using the Midi setup setting "EFXrate: fxname" the rotary knobs on my Nanocontrol only worked anti-clockwise. If I put them on full the efffects run in the preprogrammed times and fading down toward zero makes them go faster.

That works too of course, but maybe there´s something you ought to have a look at?


And to be noted:

Under the tab called "Faders" there are nine faders which by default are patched to match the faders in scene 1 on a Nanocontrol. That's kind of handy of course but I chose to change them all to avoid triggering more subs than one at a time.
Sometimes it can make sense that the faders on the screen match whats live on your midiconsole but usually i find nine more unique subs to play with is to be preferred.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:21 pm
by admin
In the MIDI action, you can specify a range corresponding to the MIDI value. If you don't, the speed is set to an equivalent percentage. So, it would start very fast and slow down as the knob in increased until it is at full speed, whatever that is.

Try "EFXrate:<fxname>?200, 50" This will start out at half speed when the control is at zero and increase to double speed when the control is at full.

You can find this in the help for the setup window (MIDI). Look under the heading "Effect Actions".