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Midi command list

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:50 pm
by pommes-sautées

I'm trying to build a simple lxconsole setup with a midi controller.
I see in the setup menu that MIDI inputs can be attributed to different fonctions, but I can't find a list of those fonctions and how they are meant to be written in that menu.

More precisely I'm trying to control the faders, because in the "i" menu next to the faders, setting a cc isn't working (while via the setup menu I can set the master or a channel via same cc and same controller).


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:58 pm
by admin
Try the Setup window's Faders tab.

Make sure that the External Control: MIDI box is checked. With that enabled, incoming MIDI should control the faders as they are individually set.

Also, be sure that overall MIDI input is enabled with File->External->MIDI/Show Control In

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:28 pm
by pommes-sautées
Thanks for your help.

external control: MIDI box is checked
overall MIDI input is enable.

I kind of get to my goal in another way:

recording some subs,
attributing my cc to the sub in setup... /MIDI -> action command: SUB-1 ; SUB-2 etc
>> my controller move the faders