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Can't get 1-10@50 to work

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:22 pm
by nizer
In the new version of LX Console I can't get the command line to take commands like this 1-7@50

It only changes the first channel and not the others.

This works...

Not sure if it is me or something in the update

thanks for any help

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:09 pm
by admin
A while back some of the key commands were changed. In particular the minus key subtracts a channel from the command line rather than meaning "thru". (the 't' key means thru) For consistency, the plus key adds a channel. Because of the layout of a regular keyboard without a numeric keypad the equals sign is not equivalent to "at", the 'a' key is.

Instead of [1], [-], [7], [=], [5], [0]

you need to type [1], [t], [7], [a], [5], [0]

The original key syntax came from MacLux Pro and was rather limited in the functions available. In order to expand the commands with a consistent design, it was necessary to change a few keys. The complete list is available in the help and there is also a virtual keyboard window as well.


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:20 pm
by nizer
Perfect that really helps.