Is there anyway I can make it work also in live mode?
I'd like to put it as a button in a remotecontrol so that when I'm away from the computerscreen I can send a message out to the PA telling me what it is that I'm looking at on stage right now...
This is how it looks:
It works well in Cuemode! But I don't want to be in cuemode while I'm remotecontrolling.tell application "LXConsole"
set _cue to currentCue of the front document
set _number to cueNumber of _cue
set _what to what of _cue
set _when to when of _cue
end tell
say "You are now in Cue number" using "alex"
say _number using "victoria"
say "Described as ." using "alex"
say _what using "victoria"
say "To be run at" using "Alex"
say _when using "victoria"
If you want to try it just copy/paste.
And maybe add a new second line:
ortell the front document to gotoNextCue
Have fun!tell the front document to gotoPreviousCue