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Live window key control

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:17 pm
by Johan Söderberg
I'm using LXConsole Version 2.1.7 (4324) which has a "Live window Key control".
It works Great!
Together with a rf remote for powerpoint I can trigger cues with no delay in a 100ft range. I just set the GO-command to be triggered by the page up sign.
(<<fn>> & <<Up arrow>> on a mac)

Now it struck me that if you'd use another Key like the spacebar that could of course also be very handy, but also a bit risky.
So I thought maybe a radiobutton labelled "Disable Key ctrl" might be a good idea for some occassions.
But then I don't know if it's really necessary since closing the Live window will do just that as well. - disabling the keyboard to trigger anything.

What do you think?

Am I being somewhat overprotective :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:31 pm
by admin
Not only does the live window need to be open to accept key commands, it also needs to be the front active window. Simply clicking on the main window and bringing it to the front is enough to disable key triggering of cues.