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Update Group Cues from LIVE

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:30 am
by nizer
Is there a way to update a group cue from the LIVE view. I have a bunch of group cues that I am using with moving lights so that I only have to adjust a few group cues PAN and TILTs levels for each stage position I am using. Right now I go to LIVE view and position the light where I want it, then I have to memorize the 4 numbers for PAN, PAN FINE, TILT and TILT FINE and manually put them in the group patch for that moving light.

Thanks for any guidance.

I am so loving LX Console.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:43 am
by admin
You can record a group from "Live" just like you record a cue. In the command line, press "r" and that will expand to "record:" Then, press "g" and the command line will change to "record group:" Enter the group number, hit return, and the current live cue will be recorded as that group.

There's no way to select only some channels and record them in a group. You have to record the entire current picture. But, it is an interesting idea to be able to do that...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:16 pm
by admin
The latest build of LXConsole 2.2.11 (5026) has the ability to only record selected channels. The command line syntax is as follows:

To record only channels 1 thru 10 to cue 100 from live mode, use the following key presses:

<1>, <t>, <10>, <a>, <r>, <1>, <0>, <0>, <enter>

This expands to the command line: "1>10@record:100" The result is that only the levels of channels 1 thru 10 will be recorded into cue 100.

Similarly if you had a moving fixture on channel 112 and wanted to record its current live position, color, etc into group 33 the key presses would be:

<1>, <1>, <2>, <a>, <g>, <3>, <3>, <enter>

This expands to the command line: "112@record group:33" The result is that only the levels associated with channel 112 are recorded into group 33.

Similarly you can record only selected channels into a sub:

<1>, <1>, <2>, <a>, <s>, <3>, <3>, <enter>


"112@record sub:33"

The important part of the syntax is that after the list of channels comes "@" and then the record command which is either "r", "g" or "s".