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DMX Import

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:08 am
by mysecretstache
I may be missing something, but as I understand it I should be able to hookup LXConsole to the DMX output of my board, and use the live view as a poor man's RVI. Everything seems to be working as I see activity as the board op takes cues etc, but I get raw address coming through. Is there a way to patch the input? I successfully imported the cues and patch from an ascii file.

thanks for any help,

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:45 pm
by admin
In the "DMX In" tab of the preferences there is a box called "Receive Channels". When this box is not checked, the patch is used for DMX input.

The patch is located in the lower pane of the main window's split screen. You can check this table to see that the patch was correctly imported.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:13 pm
by mysecretstache

I have yet to try again, but I am running my current show with LX Console, and I have to say it is a great product. Especially using an iPad with touch OSC as an interface for running faders and triggering cues.