Control from qlab 3 osc

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Control from qlab 3 osc

Post by Mattgraham »

I am trying to control Lx console from qlab 3 without any luck !
I am sending the same messages as from touch osc
And not getting any response
I have tried Qlab set to send to local host,, and the computers IP address on port 9000 as well as port 53000
Do I need to add anything extra to the osc message when sending from the same computer ?

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Post by admin »

First, the OSC connection in LXConsole's preferences need to match the one in QLab's workspace settings.

If you have no active network connections, you can use the internal loopback connection, (This should also work if you do have an active connection.) By default, QLab has the connection "localhost" and port 53000. If you have any other active network connections, change this to and you can leave the port at 53000. Then, in LXConsole's OSC preferences tab, choose from the popup list. And, change the port to 53000 to match QLab.

There is one additional thing about sending OSC from QLab to LXConsole that is not obvious. OSC messages are comprised of an address followed by data. The way that TouchOSC works is that when a button is pressed, it sends a message with the OSC address for that button (Set in TouchOSCEditor) AND the data has a value of 1. This is important because when the button is released, TouchOSC sends an OSC message with that address and a value of 0.

LXConsole will respond to a command with an address such as /cmd.lxconsole/GO only when the associated data is greater than 0. You can probably see why: When used with TouchOSC, a "Go" button sends a message when it is pressed and when it is released. So, if not for the distinguishing data, that would cause two GO messages to be executed. (This is similar to the way that MIDI notes must have a non-zero velocity for LXConsole to react to them.)

QLab is capable of sending data along with the address. It is specified by leaving a space after the address in the OSC message field. To send LXConsole a GO command, the OSC message set in QLab would be "/cmd.lxconsole/GO 1" Note that this does not mean "cue 1 go"! The 1 is simply the positive data value necessary for LXConsole to react to the message. BTW, to tell LXConsole "cue 1 go", the OSC message field in QLab would read "/cmd.lxconsole/GO:1" and "cue 2.5 go" would be "/cmd.lxconsole/GO:2.5" (The data test only applies to GO, HOLD and STOP)
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:41 pm

Post by Mattgraham »

Got it working
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