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Update Group Glitch

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:03 am
by nizer
I found a interesting glitch that is driving me crazy. It may only be my setup but I was wondering if anyone can recreate it.

If I manually update a group cue by typing in it's level box in the patch window it updates any associated cue.

If I set the level (in the patch window) in Live mode, then record the group via the command line (record:group:#) enter, the associated cues never update. Even with Update All Cues or running the cue. The only way I can update the cues is to either save the file and quit or save the file and close it and reopen it.

This makes it a little tough when trying to update moving lights, as I have to quit the program to see updates take place.

Can anyone recreate this?


Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:28 pm
by admin
Its not clear what you mean by the "Patch Window" The output patch in the main window's table governs the conversion between channels and DMX addresses. This has nothing to do with setting the levels of channels.

Chances are that the mark for the channels you are interested in is not getting set in the group. Only marked channels in a group are included in cues when they are updated.

The sliders in the channel controls window were not setting the mark of channels when they changed their levels. This is fixed in the latest build 3.1.4 65A19. This could be what caused your problem.

Group Updates

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:42 pm
by nizer
The Channel Table is what I meant by "Patch Window". How do I "Mark" a channel in a group? I thought that was anything above 0.

Have you tried the sequence I described?

Why do they update when I quit and re-open?

Group Updates "Marked"

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:45 pm
by nizer
Do I have to have the "Name of the Group" in the Channel Table to have it update?

I have that blank.

YouTube Video to show the problem I am having :-/

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:40 pm
by nizer

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:19 pm
by admin
Channels were not being marked if the level was set using the channels table. This is fixed in the latest build 3.1.5.

Channels were being (incorrectly) marked when a file was opened and the level in a cue was non-zero. This probably never caused many issues but certainly would make tracking mode not work correctly. Cue Only is probably used by somewhere around 90% of designers so I'm not surprised no one noticed. I wouldn't have know if you hadn't said that closing and re-opening fixed your issue.

The group column in the channel table is unrelated to groups that are presets. The word is used in two different ways and admittedly that could be confusing. Groups--as in presets that are cousins of cues-- are part of the ASCII standard and work in similar ways on other control systems. The word "Group" as it appears in the channel table and as it is used as a property of a light in LXBeams means something more like the general system that a light belongs to. e.g. "Blue Backlight" or "Warm Front" This word has been used in both LXSeries and prior to that, MacLux Pro with this meaning.

The group name of channels as found in the channels table does not mean much except as a way of labeling what a channel does. When importing a setup from LXBeams, you can choose to automatically create a preset kind of group based on the imported name. In this case, a preset type group is created that has a number of the first channel with the group name and all channels with that same name set to full. So if channels 6, 7, 8, and 9 are labeled "Blue Back", group 6 is created with 6,7,8,and 9 at full.

The other use of the group label in the channel table is as a shortcut for selecting channels. If you hold down the option key and click on one channel in the main display, all the channels that have the same group label in the channels table will be selected. In the above example, option-clicking on channel 9 will select channels 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Fixed :-)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:25 pm
by nizer
Do I get a free LX CONSOLE t-shirt?

Glad to see I wasn't going crazy.