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QLab - LX Console setting

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:08 pm
by niclet

I can't figure out how to make QLab sending "GO" to LX Console.

Didn't find any step by step info.

Can please someone give me the "trick".

Thanks a lot.

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:37 pm
by Mattgraham
Qlab 2 or qlab 3?

Qlab 2 can communicate vir msc midi message ( you will need a midi licence for qlab)

Qlab 3 can either by msc or osc cues

I also find ip midi ( a small network program) more stable than the macs internal midi over network .

In ip midi
enable loop back

In qlab
Create a msc cue in qlab
Command : go
Type : lighting general
Q number : same as the one you want to fire in lx console
Leave qlist blank
Set Id to the same as it is set in lx console (1)
Then go to preferences
Patch to ip midi

In lx console
Goto preferences
Chose ip midi for incoming midi
Check I'd is set to the same as qlab (1)
Go to file
External connection
And tick midi / show control in
Make shire live controls window is open

Fire in qlab should work

Hope that helps

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:52 am
by niclet
Thank you so much Matt,

It finally work !!

Yes, it was a bit tricky, but ipMIDI was my friend!

Now we just have to not forget to enable midi / show control in External connection's File menu! It's the only thing that is not saved wit the LXConsole document.

Hey, many, many thanks again Matt.
