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LXConsole | Python

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:19 pm
by admin
In honor of pi day, Claude Heintz Design is proud to release an open source version of LXConsole written in Python and packaged for Raspberry Pi. The source code and assorted support files are available from:

Although the package is geared toward the Raspberry Pi, any platform with Python installed is capable of running the software.

Combine a Raspberry Pi running LXConsole|Python with the an Arduino, an ethernet shield , a driver chip, and the Arduino Art-Net sketch, and you have a full computer lighting system. If you have a spare HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse, the lighting control would cost you less than $150.

Its all hackable and open so you can learn how it works. And make your own changes. There's more documentation and project info coming. But, its out there now for you to download and play around with.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:03 pm
by fimion
I know you released version 0.5, but i was wondering if you've done anymore with this little side project? I''m planning on setting up a version of this, but currently it would appear the main window doesn't do much when attempting to resize it. thoughts?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:36 pm
by admin
LXConsole for Python, by the nature of Python, is open source. So, it is appropriate to migrate the hosting of the project to GitHub. There is now a repository for the project there:

To answer the specific question, it may be possible to add some kind of dynamic re-sizing of the channel display when a window is re-sized. Perhaps someone will submit a GitHib pull with a proposed solution.