record scene from DMX in

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record scene from DMX in

Post by ejirach »

hello , is it possible to record scene in LX console from dmx in. i want to back up the show from my old control board.(it's cannot transfer to ascii) .please step by step. :lol:
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Post by admin »

In order to read DMX into LXConsole, you need to do three things. First, you must select and setup the interface you want to use using the DMX Info and DMX In tabs of the preferences. Second, in order to convert dimmers into channels, you need to setup LXConsole's patch. Third, you select File->Import->DMX.

If you are using a network protocol to import DMX, you may also need to setup the interface direction using the interface's management software.

To use a DMX USB Pro interface, you'll need to select the appropriate driver in the DMX Info tab of the preferences. In most cases, this should be the default D2XX driver. You can verify this connection works using the Widget Info button.

Next, you would switch to the DMX In tab and select the DMX-USB PRO from the interface/protocol popup menu. There are some important options. If you want to import the DMX directly as channels, choose Import Channels. This will eliminate the need to setup a channel to dimmer patch in LXConsole. Next, if you want to continuously import DMX instead of taking a snapshot of incoming DMX when you select File->Import->DMX, select check the Monitor box. The DMX USB Pro only supports a single universe. So the rest of the options are not applicable.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 30, 2013 6:36 pm

Post by ejirach »

I don't know why I can import dmx to Lx Console .(it show in the console) but I cannot record it.
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Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

How are you trying to record and what happens? Please include the OS X version, the LXConsole version and the DMX interface you are using.

In general to record the scene you see in the Live display, you click in the command line at the bottom of the main display. Then press "r".

The command line will display "record:" then continue to enter the cue number you wish to record. When you are done, press <return>.
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