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LX Console - Dimmer Feedback in Lemur

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 3:20 pm
by nizer
Loving Lemur.

I want to display the current dimmer in a text field in Lemur.

I can send a OSC message from QLab like this:

/CurrentDimmer @content "22"

This successfully changes a Text object called CurrentDimmer to 22.

I can't figure how to make 22 be a variable and pass it on.

I wrote this applescript but it has 2 problems. The \ is still present and the shell script never goes out.

tell application "LXConsole"
copy the dimmerCheckDimmer of the front document to dc
end tell

set oscCmd to "/CurrentDimmer @content " & "\"" & dc & "\""

do shell script "echo " & oscCmd & " | nc -u -w 0 8000"

return oscCmd

Any ideas?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:54 pm
by admin
An OSC message is a little more complex than that. ( see ) There is padding to even 4 bytes for each section and there's also a section of argument types. I'm not sure how AppleScript deals with NULL characters (\0). If you can add those into the oscCmd variable then you could make a valid OSC message and send it that way. It may not work because \0 is also typically the terminator for a string and you are just adding together a string for the shell script.

Its probably easier to use LXConsole's ability to send out the dimmer text and call your field "dimmer" instead of "CurrentDimmer" this makes the OSC address pattern "/dimmer" and it should work. You can look at the Lemur remote file for an example.

A thing of beauty!!!!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:00 pm
by nizer
Works perfect. So much faster than my QLab solution.

So LX dumps out:

Next Cue
Command Line
Cue Done

What else is there that I am missing. Seeing the Dimmer in Lemur is AWESOME and will be a big help.