MIDI commands (via "go-box") intermittently bypass
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:13 pm
hi Claude! i'm long time user, first time poster. that said, I love this app. also LXBeams. both are fantastic implementations for theatre. i've been slowly working up a big letter to ya with ideas and much praise, but that'll have to wait for another day.
i write instead with what i suspect is the first "bug" i've encountered in my 3 year's use.
we've a team sound "go box", which we use for the operator to fire cues when we're running shows. the trouble is that LXConsole intermittently interprets the MIDI GO as a "quick mode" style GO, even though quick mode is not engaged.
put another way, occasionally the MIDI GO action switches from using cue times as regular, to firing all cues as 0 counts. this might happen after 20 or 30 cues all running normally, then suddenly everyone becomes "quick mode" style.
switching to spacebar GOs (without any other change or interaction) always results with times being included again as regular.
it's very strange, and i haven't been able to correlate it to anything.
i'm a bit embarrassed to say that I first noticed this behaviour some time (maybe as many as 6 months back), but had assumed i'd set something amiss, and as it was intermittent, it didn't properly attract my attention for some time.
anyway, this week i sat down and really tried to troubleshoot it.
i suspect there is something related to time passed between cues. anytime i've sat down and just fired cue after cue in succession, I've never been able to cause the bug.
i had had the midi commands mapped via the "detect" button within the view/setup/midi commands page, as i preferred mapping the red button (on-2) to the "hold" action, as apposed to "stop" action. i wondered if maybe this was the trouble, so trashed those mappings, and went instead with the "ch 16 controls live buttons" option within the Preferences/MIDI menu. same trouble persists that way though.
also, I've two "go boxes", one which we use for our QLab machine. even though I was pretty sure this couldn't be hardware (ie, the box is only capable of firing it's 4 midi codes), i nonetheless rotated the two boxes, to no avail. have also taken a good look at both boxes' output via the app "midi monitor", and they seem to be functioning just fine.
any thoughts?
thanks for everything sir!
i write instead with what i suspect is the first "bug" i've encountered in my 3 year's use.
we've a team sound "go box", which we use for the operator to fire cues when we're running shows. the trouble is that LXConsole intermittently interprets the MIDI GO as a "quick mode" style GO, even though quick mode is not engaged.
put another way, occasionally the MIDI GO action switches from using cue times as regular, to firing all cues as 0 counts. this might happen after 20 or 30 cues all running normally, then suddenly everyone becomes "quick mode" style.
switching to spacebar GOs (without any other change or interaction) always results with times being included again as regular.
it's very strange, and i haven't been able to correlate it to anything.
i'm a bit embarrassed to say that I first noticed this behaviour some time (maybe as many as 6 months back), but had assumed i'd set something amiss, and as it was intermittent, it didn't properly attract my attention for some time.
anyway, this week i sat down and really tried to troubleshoot it.
i suspect there is something related to time passed between cues. anytime i've sat down and just fired cue after cue in succession, I've never been able to cause the bug.
i had had the midi commands mapped via the "detect" button within the view/setup/midi commands page, as i preferred mapping the red button (on-2) to the "hold" action, as apposed to "stop" action. i wondered if maybe this was the trouble, so trashed those mappings, and went instead with the "ch 16 controls live buttons" option within the Preferences/MIDI menu. same trouble persists that way though.
also, I've two "go boxes", one which we use for our QLab machine. even though I was pretty sure this couldn't be hardware (ie, the box is only capable of firing it's 4 midi codes), i nonetheless rotated the two boxes, to no avail. have also taken a good look at both boxes' output via the app "midi monitor", and they seem to be functioning just fine.
any thoughts?
thanks for everything sir!