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DMXking missing connection

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:24 pm
by twmtrwnos

I'm having trouble connecting to my DMXking ultraDMX RDM Pro USB widget. I bought it about a year and a half ago and used it with LXconsole with no problems after installing the D2XX driver. The last time I used it was around February last year. Since then I haven't needed to use it so it's been sitting in it's box.
I'm off on tour again and need a portable desk but am having trouble getting a connection to it now. My Macbook is now running OS X 10.11 (El Cap) so I've removed the FTDI D2XX driver but get no connection. I tried re downloading D2XX but have had no luck with that either. I've also downloaded the D2XX helper and tried it with D2XX on and off.

Having had no luck with El Cap I've since tried to connect to it on a Mini Mac which is running 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) and have downloaded the FTDI D2XX on this machine but still no connection.

Does anyone know of any reason why I might be having issues?


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:36 am
by admin
If you have access to a windows computer, you can download the ultraDMX utility and confirm the firmware and that the device is working and its not a matter of a bad USB cable or that the firmware needs to be updated. Unfortunately, it appears that DMX King does not have a Mac utility for the ultraDMX.

The D2XX driver is installed with LXConsole. If you have installed another version and deleted it, try re-installing both LXConsole and then D2XX Helper. The D2XX driver is located here: /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib. You can use the terminal to navigate to the folder by typing:

cd /usr/local/lib

and then type:


(list without the I and T)

This will display the contents of the folder and you can check that there is only the libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib file and no other versions are lingering.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:55 pm
by twmtrwnos
Thanks, I'll borrow a laptop this weekend and give it a go - thanks for the help