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Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:28 pm
by Johan Söderberg
I have problem easily described; the patch doesnt work.
Do I need to do something more than entering the valid numbers for channel and dimmer?
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:28 pm
by admin
There is a bug in 1.2.1 where the DMX Out "Send Channels" preference does not work.
Instead, sending and receiving as channels rather than using the patch for BOTH send and receive is controlled by the DMX In "Receive Channels" preference.
This is easily fixed and a new version should be available later today.
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:01 pm
by Johan Söderberg
My show, which now contains a pair of incorrect channelnumbers, since no patching was possible, can easily be fixed in the track sheet. its only two channels that we had to patch due to a broken dimmer.
And hopefully on monday we can continue according to plan.
Thanks for fast support!
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:03 pm
by Johan Söderberg
I really dont understand a word of this:
"Instead, sending and receiving as channels rather than using the patch for BOTH send and receive is controlled by the DMX In "Receive Channels" preference. "
But I guess that doesnt matter...
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:32 am
by admin
LXConsole v1.2.2 is now available as part of the LXSeries Pro latest build along with LXBeams 1.0.14