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Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:42 pm
by luca telleschi
hi claude..
i'm trying to connect lx console to touch osc, i've tryed two ways bot with osc and with midi (using osc bridge), but have no result!
with osc i found the way to connect mac and iphone, but lx console don't receive any command.
using midi with osc bridge it works with ableton live, but lx console don't receive any message. what i'm missing?
thank you in advance ....
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:07 am
by admin
You have to enable MIDI and OSC. There are buttons you can add to the toolbar to make it obvious when MIDI In, MIDI Out, OSC In, OSC Out and Ethernet DMX are enabled. Alternatively, you can use the commands in the File->External menu.
All of these external connections have configuration options in the Preferences.
If you have OSC In enabled, TouchOSC should be able to find it using Bonjour. You should see LX, allow_OSC@<the name of your computer> under Found Hosts on the TouchOSC connections settings. Tapping this allows you to easily configure the IPAddress and port so that TouchOSC can communicate with LXConsole.
osc and midi
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:37 pm
by luca telleschi
lx console is correctly viewed by touch osc, both midi and osc.
regarding osc i’m probably sending uncorrecylt command from touch osc .. on lx console don’t detect any message.. i think i don’t well understand wich is the correct suntax tonise. regarding midi: midi in works well i can control fader and buttons from touch osc, but i’m not able to make touchosc receive signals from lx console.. probably my setup for mido out is not correct..
when i enable midi out any operation in lx console make the software crash..
thank you!
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:53 pm
by admin
Does LXConsole crash or does MIDI bridge crash? If it is LXConsole, you can e-mail a copy of the crash report and we can take a look to see what is happening.
If you open LXConsole's help and click the link for the Setup window you'll see a link to the help page for the OSC tab. That contains a lot of information about the various possibilities for controlling LXConsole with OSC.
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:08 pm
by admin
The help page for the preferences OSC In/Out and MIDI In/Out tabs also contains useful information about these connections. In addition to the settings needed to establish the connection, there is also information on what messages LXConsole sends and receives. Both the pages for the Preferences and for the Setup Window provide references for MIDI and OSC.
There are some TouchOSC files on the user contributed files page: ... d_user.cgi
And, there is a pre-built layout that is a remote for LXConsole that you can load into TouchOSC. You can find this in the menu, LXConsole->Install Extras->
You might look at this using the TouchOSC editor and see what messages its buttons and sliders send to LXConsole.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:14 am
by luca telleschi
thank you for tour quick reply...!
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:59 pm
by admin
The issue with the crash when MIDI out was enabled was due to a MIDI action that referenced a non-existing channel. This is fixed in the latest build, 5.2.4 (11911.1). Actions defined for non-existant channels are now ignored.
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:54 pm
by luca telleschi
regarding midi out:
i set some command to control single channel level and touch osc follow channels level perfectly.. but sub and master not (i enable the send sub change menu)
what i'm missing?
thank you!
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:57 pm
by admin
Can you post a detailed description of what you are trying to do, including all the hardware connections and operating system and software versions. Also, post step by step what you have tried in order to make this happen. And finally, where are you stuck? What does not happen the way you want it to happen?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:04 pm
by luca telleschi
hi claude..
i'm using midi to control lx console both form a nanocontrol and via touch osc (using touch osc bridge)
same cc signal are used in nanocontrol and touch osc to control single channel levels, sub levels, master, go, stop, back, panic.
for midi in everything is working perfectly, for midi out only channel level controls work:
during show or programming my virtual faders on touch osc follow current channels levels (and is really good for live corrections and so on...), sub levels and master faders on touch osc don't follow the levels i'm changing on lx console.
I'm pretty sure i'm missing some simple setting.......
my configuration:
lx console and touch osc latest version
macbook pro 15" late 2013 with mac os sierra 10.12.6
touch osc connected with touch osc bridge via a wi-fi router with an iphone 7
thank you!
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:57 pm
by admin
Do you have send sub change selected in the MIDI Out tab of the preferences?
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:54 am
by luca telleschi
on fader windows faders move if i change my fader position in touchosc,
otherwise if i move faders on lx console on touch osc nothing happens..
maybe a wrong set up on fader properties?
(happy new year!)
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:12 am
by luca telleschi
and 5.2.4. version of lx console is not yet been released?
my lxconsole is up to date but is 5.2.2!
thank you!
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:17 pm
by admin
The faders themselves are not currently enabled to send MIDI. Instead, open the setup window's MIDI tab. Add a "SUB-" action for each control change that you want to send.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:52 pm
by admin
The latest build version of LXConsole is different than the release version. The latest build is exactly that, the version with the most recent additions. Often, these are added functions that may be useful but are not possibly complete. Latest builds may change often and may include features that are later modified or removed.
The release version is changed after added features have been finished, have been used and have been shown as stable. When the release version changes, the check for update function will show a new version is available.
You can find the latest build download link as the first listed in the "Other Downloads" section. LXConsole is also included in the latest build installer for LXSeries Pro. That is also a separate link, further down the page under "More Downloads"
LXConsole 5.2.6 (12001.1) is available as the latest build. It has an option to send fader levels out using MIDI. For this to work, MIDI/Show Control Out must be enabled in the File->External menu (or with the toolbar button). Also in the Setup/Faders tab, MIDI control must be enabled. Finally, in the preferences MIDI Out tab, there is the new checkbox for enabling the faders to send their midi control change when their level changes.